Site Complet

Longridge Point & Associated Coastline (ON124)


Longridge Point & Associated Coastline (ON124)

Southern James Bay, Ontario

Latitude 51,847°N
Longitude 80,711°O
Altitude 0 - 5m
Superficie 211,31km²

Description du site

This historical IBA was discontinued in 2017 and incorporated into a new, larger site called Pei lay sheesh kow. The text and data describing this historical IBA are retained here for reference.

Longridge Point is located along the southwestern shore of James Bay, about 60 km north of Moosonee. It is a peninsula that projects about 6 km into James Bay. At the outer edge it is barren sand and gravel; moving inland, the habitats progress to graminoid areas, then to shrubs and mixed forest on the high spots, as the land rises to about 5 metres on the ridge. A mile inland, the ridge ends abruptly and it is surrounded by grassy marshes that extend north and south of the point, and inland for 1 km or more. Intertidal marshes and submerged shoals extend for 1 to 2 km offshore all around the point and along associated shores. They extend for about 2.5 km south, to Puskwuche Point, and north for about 4 km to Halfway Point.


Longridge Point is a significant staging area and concentration point for shorebirds during fall migration. During a 1993 study, Whimbrel were recorded in significant numbers, with one-day counts of 225 (about 1% their North American population); the same study recorded 600 Black-bellied Plovers. Another survey, completed in the late 1970s, recorded a one-day count of 5,000 Red Knots (as much as 5% of the estimated rufa subspecies population at the time). Relatively large numbers of Semipalmated Sandpipers were also recorded during the 1993 study (a one-day count of 1,570); it is possible that the season total for this species may also be of significance. More recently, surveys from 2010-2013 have confirmed that Longridge Point continues to be a globally significant staging area for a variety of shorebirds. Most significant are the numbers of rufa Red Knots (up to 3.6% of the global population in a single day), Hudsonian Godwit (2.8%), and Pectoral Sandpiper (1.9%).

In addition to shorebirds, large numbers of waterfowl also utilize the area, or concentrate as they migrate past the point. During spring migration, as many as 2,600 Black Scoters were recorded on a one-day count in 1993 (possibly from 1.5%, to as much as 3% of the estimated eastern North American population). Large numbers of moulting Black Scoters have also been recorded during summer surveys, with 8,590 being recorded during an aerial survey in 1994 (possibly as much as 10% of the eastern North American population). Other species of waterfowl that have been recorded here in large numbers include Snow Goose, Canada Goose, and Common Goldeneye (respective one-day counts of 1500, 1800, and 500). The one-day estimate for Canada Geese likely exceeds the 1% threshold; the geese that were observed were from either the Tall Grass Prairie, or the Mississippi Valley populations. Other notable records include one-day counts of 500 Bonaparte's Gulls and 500 Horned Larks during fall migration, and 160 Arctic Terns during spring migration. In total, almost 200 species have been recorded at this site, likely the most anywhere on James or Hudson Bay.

Enjeux de conservation

At the moment, no threats are perceived to be imminent. The site was chosen as a study area for a seasonal and distributional reconnaisance survey of the Hudson Bay coastal areas. This work was completed in 1993.

Catégories ZICO Habitats Usages Menaces Potencielles ou Existantes Status de Protection
Barge hudsonienne
Nombre Année Saison
2 400 - 3 2952015Automne
526 - 1 9752012Automne
565 - 9702010Automne
446 - 1 975?Automne
Bécasseau à poitrine cendrée
Nombre Année Saison
1 4902016Automne
1 1862012Automne
595 - 7362012Été
695 - 1 5842010Automne
520 - 5402010Été
1 584?Automne
Quiscale rouilleux
Nombre Année Saison
30 - 342016Automne
23 - 262012Automne
Mouette pygmée
Nombre Année Saison
2 - 112010Automne
3 - 61991Automne
Bécasseau maubèche
Nombre Année Saison
1 2692016Automne
1 3372016Été
190 - 1 3902015Automne
409 - 5102015Été
1 8502014Automne
1 3542014Été
285 - 7102013Automne
1 400 - 1 5002013Été
598 - 6162012Automne
205 - 3262012Été
920 - 1 3002011Automne
600 - 1 1002011Été
199 - 2 0622010Automne
126 - 1 1432010Été
157 - 1 1002009Été
5 0001979Automne
598 - 2 062?Automne
1 100?Été
Macreuse à bec jaune
Nombre Année Saison
3 770 - 4 0062016Automne
2 9602015Automne
2 5002015Été
5 5002013Automne
2 5002013Été
2 5002009Été
8 5901994Été
2 6001993Automne
Bruant de Henslow
Nombre Année Saison
Bécasseau à croupion blanc
Nombre Année Saison
8 5002015Automne
10 2882012Automne
4 800 - 10 288?Automne