South Shore (Barrington Bay Sector) (NS018)
Barrington Passage, Nouvelle-Écosse
Latitude 43,532°N
Longitude 65,585°O
Altitude 0 - 5m
Superficie 42,06km²
Description du site
This site includes the following coastal, sandy beaches of Barrington Bay in southernmost Nova Scotia: Burks Point, Sebim Beach, Northeast Point, Goose Point, and Clam Point. These beaches are scattered throughout the bay, which is large and shallow and contains extensive sand and mud flats. The climate is maritime, and there is little lasting snow and ice in winter months. The tidal range is about 3m.
In 1991, 11 Piping Plovers (globally near-threatened and nationally endangered), or 2.6% of the estimated Atlantic Canada population were recorded at the Barrington Bay area beaches. However, a 1996 survey found that numbers had decreased significantly to only one bird.
Sea ducks, such as eiders and scoters also pass through the area during spring and fall migration. Some of these ducks also winter in the area.
Enjeux de conservation
Nesting Piping Plovers are likely disturbed by beach-goers. Illegal hunting activities have historically been a problem at this site. Some hunters ignore hunting regulations by exceeding bag-limits on ducks and may also hunt shorebirds.
Catégories ZICO
Menaces Potencielles ou Existantes
Status de Protection